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'Really Beautiful, our Hong Kong': Environmental Humanities in Documentary - Film sharing sessions and writing workshop

為期三日的放映會及映後寫作工作坊在8月12, 15-16日完滿結束。


The screening and writing workshop held on 12, 15-16 August drew to a successful end.

The event has introduced a series of humanities documentaries by local production teams, focusing on Hong Kong natural habitat and local culture. Documentary directors and NGOs are invited to attend the post-screening discussion session, including Green Peace, WWF and Lamma Mia, to share their insight on film production and environmental conservation. The writing workshop is held on the last day (16 August) of the three-day event. Professors from the HKBU shared different  writing techniques to encourage participants expressing their feelings and insights in their work after attending the screening activity.

​Event Photo


​Event Programme


Film Overview and Director's Biography
(Please scroll down for English version.)

2022 | 25分鐘 | 廣東話對白,中英文字幕



馮漢城(阿城),香港生態攝影師。曾出品《Wild Hong Kong》系列生態紀錄片,被譽為「港版discovery channel」,他鏡頭下的本地野生物種包括翻石鷸、馬蹄蟹、香港瘰螈、廣東米蝦等等。他認為野生物種是「活生生的藝術品」,希望與團隊透過《山海大嶼》,喚起民眾對香港環境的關注,大家同心合力,守護香港大自然。

2021 | 彩色 | 15分鐘 | 英語對白,中文字幕

地球是太陽系唯一擁有海洋的星球,而海洋對我們的生存不可或缺。但許多人沒有意識到海洋生物的重要性以及如何保護它們。年輕的水肺潛水員 Ema Poposka 相信,若人們能夠看到海洋和珊瑚的美麗,就會改變對海洋保護的看法。這部紀錄片由12 至 15 歲的學生團隊製作。


Ema Poposka is a high school student in Hong Kong. She is an award-winning young photographer and filmmaker. Ema loves expressing herself creatively and has appeared as an actor in RTHK programmes and performer with HKYAF. Ema’s passion for protecting the sea and sea creatures developed from an early age as she loves spending time near the sea, surfing, sailing, and diving. The Living Sea is Ema’s first film.


2021 | 18分鐘 | 廣東話對白,中英文字幕


《聲之海 Sea of Noise》由著名生態攝影師及紀錄片製作人黃遂心(Daphne Wong)執導,帶領觀眾進入海浪之下神秘的海底世界 ,揭示水底噪音問題以及相關人為威脅對中華白海豚造成的干擾。紀錄片透過聲波實驗、水底片段、動畫、不同持份者的訪問片段等講述中華白海豚在嘈雜生境下面臨的困境,以及現有的解決方案,並探討保育香港本地自然生態的重要性。

黃遂心(Daphne Wong)是一名生態攝影師及生態紀錄片製作人,致力拍出寫實而精彩的生態故事。大學時就讀海洋及生態歷史攝影,期間她訪尋中華白海豚在香港海域的蹤跡,訪問研究員、保育團體、漁民等,講述中華白海豚面臨的生存困境,探討保護香港獨特自然生態的重要性,她最終拍成紀錄片《白海豚失樂園Breathing Room》,此片獲美國WorldFest Houston International Film Festival「海洋學/海洋生物學」紀錄片金奬及入圍美國Jackson Wild Media Awards 特別評審團:外語片。


2021 | 23分鐘 | 廣東話對白,中英文字幕






關懷活在邊沿的生命一直是他的創作命題。短片《女實Q》獲第二十屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽公開組銀獎,及獲邀參加法國克箂蒙.費朗國際短片節2016; 《瑪蓮箂的凝視》拍攝藝術館保安員奇妙的一晚,入圍「第十三屆中國獨立映像展」(CIFF)。 攝影作品《安琪兒》獲2015年鮮浪潮國際短片節最佳創意獎。

最新紀錄長片《岸上漁歌》,尋找失傳的本地漁歌,記錄香港漁民上岸後的生活,獲 PURE ART FOUNDATION、衛奕信勳爵文物信託及香港藝術發展局資助,及後入選2016 CNEX華語紀錄片創投大會,入圍多個國際影展。2019 年馬智恆憑《岸上漁歌》榮獲第十六屆英國皇家人類學院(RAI)影展授予「非物質文化電影獎」及「民俗音樂學電影推薦獎」。2021年《岸》再獲第二届華語音樂影像志暨際音樂影像志展影 - 「非遺」保護紀錄片奬 。

作品《象是一家人》(2020),紀錄泰國象伕與大象相依為命的處境,獲香港電台外判紀錄片「看見溫度」委約製作。最新作品《全記渡》(2021) 紀錄這艘往來南丫島和鴨脷洲60多年的民營渡輪,迎來退役前最後一個八號台風。


2021 | 23分鐘 | 廣東話對白,中英文字幕



卓翔,香港出生。畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視系。2012年聯合創立「映像先驗」。至今執導兩部講述粵劇及崑劇的戲曲演員紀錄片《乾旦路》(2012) 及《一個武生》(2015),影片先後獲邀到倫敦、紐約、三藩市、芝加哥、波爾多及東京等地作公開放映;憑《乾旦路》獲「香港藝術發展獎」藝術新秀獎及「華語電影傳媒大獎」最佳新導演提名。最新作品《戲棚》(Year)獲提名「第五十六屆金馬獎」最佳紀錄片及「第三十九屆香港電影金像獎」新晉導演,同時榮獲「香港電影導演會」執委會特別獎及獲選為「第二十六屆香港電影評論學會大獎」年度推薦電影。2017年獲邀到Tokyo Arts and Space作駐場藝術家,發展其劇場短編《He and I》。2018年聯合導演作品《肖像曲》於香港大會堂劇場上演,與三位不同地域的表演藝術家 (崑劇、能劇及歌劇) 共同合作,將紀錄影像延伸至舞台。


2017 | 98 mins |粵語、蜑家語|中英字幕 | DCP / HD


小島之上,海風吹散老人的白髮。黎連壽口中哼著輕盈自在的漁歌:「大船拋住沱濘頭誒,舢舨送郎賴氏州呀⋯⋯」隨興變奏,調子重覆,與海浪聲載浮載沉。海上風物,生老病死,歌者唸唸有詞。塔門黎氏靠捕魚維生,漁歌自古口耳相傳,但現在已難覓知音。黎伯生於戰前,與太太結婚六十餘年,是香港少數精通漁歌的水上人。子女無一從事漁業,也未曾經歷飄洋過海的生活,對父親的歌藝竟然聞所未聞。 城市之中,黝黑皮膚沾滿帶鹽的汗水。有人以漁歌表演,在社區教育兒童;也有人以漁歌傳道,敬拜上帝。漁歌,成了這些水上人心靈的避風港,回首艱苦的前半生,竟能憶苦思甜。時日久了,漁民記憶漸退,漁歌從海上飄到岸上,沉澱成安撫心靈的淡然之音。



關懷活在邊沿的生命一直是他的創作命題。短片《女實Q》獲第二十屆ifva獨立短片及影像媒體比賽公開組銀獎,及獲邀參加法國克箂蒙.費朗國際短片節2016; 《瑪蓮箂的凝視》拍攝藝術館保安員奇妙的一晚,入圍「第十三屆中國獨立映像展」(CIFF)。 攝影作品《安琪兒》獲2015年鮮浪潮國際短片節最佳創意獎。

最新紀錄長片《岸上漁歌》,尋找失傳的本地漁歌,記錄香港漁民上岸後的生活,獲 PURE ART FOUNDATION、衛奕信勳爵文物信託及香港藝術發展局資助,及後入選2016 CNEX華語紀錄片創投大會,入圍多個國際影展。2019 年馬智恆憑《岸上漁歌》榮獲第十六屆英國皇家人類學院(RAI)影展授予「非物質文化電影獎」及「民俗音樂學電影推薦獎」。2021年《岸》再獲第二届華語音樂影像志暨際音樂影像志展影 - 「非遺」保護紀錄片奬 。

作品《象是一家人》(2020),紀錄泰國象伕與大象相依為命的處境,獲香港電台外判紀錄片「看見溫度」委約製作。最新作品《全記渡》(2021) 紀錄這艘往來南丫島和鴨脷洲60多年的民營渡輪,迎來退役前最後一個八號台風。


Short film 1: “Lantau, The Hidden Treasure of Hong Kong”
2022 | 25 mins | Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

【Film Overview】
Lantau’s biodiverse habitats are home to us and many species. Greenpeace teamed up with a group of local wildlife photographers and filmmakers to produce this documentary, showcasing the beauty of nature and ecology of Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The documentary sheds light on the daily lives of the Chinese White Dolphin, Eurasian Eagle Owl and other precious species. Pollution and infrastructural development however are threatening the biodiversity and sustainability of the island, the documentary is calling for people’s attention to protect local biodiversity and the ecosystem services that people depend on.

【Director Biography】
FUNG Hon-shing (Shing) is an experienced explorer of Hong Kong's wilderness who has been capturing exciting wildlife moments using video and photography. Shing and his team are hoping to present the wonders of Hong Kong's natural environment to the audience.


Short film 2: “The Living Sea”
2021 | Col | 15mins | In English with Chinese subtitles

【Film Overview】
We are the only planet with oceans, and they are indispensable for our survival. However, many people are unaware of the importance of ocean creatures and how to protect them. This is because they don’t really see them every day. Sea creatures are just lunch or dinner or an ingredient in cosmetics. Young scuba diver Ema Poposka believes if people could see the beauty of the ocean and of the corals, they will change their minds about sea protection. This inspired her to join Kids4Kids Action for a Cause to produce a documentary film about Hong Kong corals. Ema’s aim with the documentary film is to raise awareness about the uniqueness of Hong Kong corals, the need to start taking care of corals, and how we can do this in our everyday life. This documentary was entirely made by a crew of 12-15 year-old students.

【Director’s Biography】
Ema Poposka is a high school student in Hong Kong. She is an award-winning young photographer and filmmaker. Ema loves expressing herself creatively and has appeared as an actor in RTHK programmes and performer with HKYAF. Ema’s passion for protecting the sea and sea creatures developed from an early age as she loves spending time near the sea, surfing, sailing, and diving. The Living Sea is Ema’s first film.


Short film 3: “Sea of Noise”
2021 | 18 mins | Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

【Film Overview】
“Sea of Noise” was directed by Daphne Wong, a famous local wildlife photographer and filmmaker, taking the audience beneath the waves and visualise how Chinese white dolphins perceive the underwater world with sound. The film details dolphins’ plight living in such noisy underwater through cymatic experiments, underwater footage, animation, stakeholder interviews, and explains current conservation measures, with highlighting the importance of preserving local biodiversity in Hong Kong.


Short film 4: “Chuen Kee Ferry”
2021 | 23 mins | Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

【Film Overview】
For the residents in Lamma Island, the ferry is the only daily transportation to and from the city, the cabin is their important living space, and countless communication in daily voyages. Documentary director Ma Chi-hang using an observational method captures the daily life of the residents on ferry, peeking into the diverse community and the unique human touch of Lamma South.

【Director’s Biography】
Ma Chi-hang receives his B.A. in Fine Arts and M.A in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Attributed to the training on fine arts and philosophical thinking, his films have a thematic consistency on humanity and justice. Short films, Women Security Guard (2015) was awarded a Silver Award in Incubator for Film and Visual Media (IFVA) (Hong Kong), and made a presence in Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival (France). Malinois Gaze (2016), about the boredom and fantasy of a security guard,  was selected into the Chinese Independent Film Festival. He then moved on to directing his own feature length documentary films.

His first documentary film, Ballad on the Shore (2017) is reputed for its poetic handling of a disappearing local fishermen culture. The film opens a dialogue on the unconquerable vanishes of old cultures, attracting over 50 pieces of reviews and extensive media coverage. The film was also selected to the 2016 CNEX pitching forum. In 2019, Ballad on the Shore was acclaimed by 16th Royal Anthropology Institute Film Festival (U.K) , the Intangible Cultural Film Prize and Ethnomusicological Film Award (Commendation); and in 2021 the 2nd Chinese Music Ethnographic Film Festival, on preserving intangible culture.

His recent short documentary, Elephant not for Sale (2020) depicts a robust bonding between the elephant caretaker (mahout) and the giant animals in Phuket, Thailand. His latest video Chuen Kee Ferry (2021), now showing in the public arts event “Lamma Mia”, applauds the resistance and dexterity of this family run ferry, in the verge of its retirement.


Short Film 5: “I Wish”
2021 | 23 mins | Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles

【Film Overview】
With over a hundred Tin Hau temples in Hong Kong, three in Lamma Island alone, director Cheuk Cheung observed and documented the state of Tin Hau Temples on the island and beyond.

【Director’s Biography】
Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Cheuk directed three documentaries about Chinese Opera. In 2013, he received the Award for Young Artist in Hong Kong Arts Development Awards for My Way. In 2019, he was nominated for Best Documentary at the Golden Horse Awards and Best New Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards for Bamboo Theatre. He also initiated various theatre productions and cross-cultural exchange programs. In 2018, he co-directed a theatre piece Songs of Portrait, involving artists from Kunqu, Noh and opera.

Long Film: “Ballad on the Shore”
2017 | 98 mins | Color | Cantonese, Tanka dialect | Chinese & English Subtitle

【Film Overview】

The film follows the daily rituals of three old fishermen couples living in fish village on Grass Island and in Aberdeen. These elderlies are the last living links to the distant past of Tanka fishermen songs in the region.
Recorded over four years, Ballad on the Shore is an engaging film documenting their arranged marriage, their back-breaking fishermen days, their joy and sorrow singing these primitive oral literatures of an unknown water world, linked to the past yet immediately present.

【Director’s Biography】
Ma Chi-hang receives his B.A. in Fine Arts and M.A in Philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Attributed to the training on fine arts and philosophical thinking, his films have a thematic consistency on humanity and justice. Short films, Women Security Guard (2015) was awarded a Silver Award in Incubator for Film and Visual Media (IFVA) (Hong Kong), and made a presence in Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival (France). Malinois Gaze (2016), about the boredom and fantasy of a security guard,  was selected into the Chinese Independent Film Festival. He then moved on to directing his own feature length documentary films.

His first documentary film, Ballad on the Shore (2017) is reputed for its poetic handling of a disappearing local fishermen culture. The film opens a dialogue on the unconquerable vanishes of old cultures, attracting over 50 pieces of reviews and extensive media coverage. The film was also selected to the 2016 CNEX pitching forum. In 2019, Ballad on the Shore was acclaimed by 16th Royal Anthropology Institute Film Festival (U.K) , the Intangible Cultural Film Prize and Ethnomusicological Film Award (Commendation); and in 2021 the 2nd Chinese Music Ethnographic Film Festival, on preserving intangible culture.

His recent short documentary, Elephant not for Sale (2020) depicts a robust bonding between the elephant caretaker (mahout) and the giant animals in Phuket, Thailand. His latest video Chuen Kee Ferry (2021), now showing in the public arts event “Lamma Mia”, applauds the resistance and dexterity of this family run ferry, in the verge of its retirement.

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